Cold Laser Therapy Device Teardown

Low Level Laser Therapy, Health, Pain Relief, Cold Laser Therapy Near Me, Acne, Deep Tissue Laser, Back Pain, Medical Treatment, Skin Care, High Power Laser Therapy, Red Light Get 5 boards in about a week for $22! ************************************************************************* *Please help support this channel at NO COST TO YOU. If you shop on* *Amazon, please use this link: * *I will get a small commission and it costs you nothing. * ************************************************************************* Learnelectronics Merchandise: Yes!! I now have merch: Electronics themed T-Shirts! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEY YOU ABOUT TO POST SOMETHING STUPID: Yes, I know my hands are large/fat. It’s because of a heart condition I suffer from called Congestive Heart Failure. Here’s a link to some information about CHF: One of the symptoms is that it causes fluid retention, mostly in the hands, feet/ankles, and face.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amazon Store: If you are shopping for electronic components, test gear or consumables please consider visiting my Amazon shop @ Please check out and pledge a dollar if you can. It will go a long way to keeping the channel alive. It costs a bit of money to buy all the items and produce these videos. Your help is appreciated. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Donation: you’d like to send a one-time donation you can use this link: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gear I use: DMM: Owon B33 - Power Supply: Matrix 3206 - Portable O’scope: YEAPOOK ADS1013D - Bench O’Scope:Hantek DSO2D15 - Soldering Station - KSGER T12 - Multimeter leads: Probemaster -
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