Taiwan’s Homemade Vehicle Designed to Stop China

The son of a Vietnam veteran wants to help vets get their PACT Act benefits. Learn more at Is Taiwan’s domestically produced CM-32 the right vehicle for the island’s defense? It has a main gun bigger than the US Bradley and it can carry 2 extra soldiers, a full squad of 8 dismounted infantry all while weighing only half as much. That said, the procurement process has been dragging on for 20 years, and production has run into all kinds of setbacks including shocking legal accusations of Chinese espionage. What does the CM-32 tell us about Taiwan’s unique military industrial complex? Will those speedbumps slow the clouded leopard down? What kind of specific weapons systems and capabilities make this vehicle a great choice for Taiwan? Written by: Chris Cappy and Justin Taylor Edited by: Savvy Studios The CM-32 cost only about $21.9 million USD to develop, which is an absolute bargain in military R&D. Each unit runs you about $2 million bucks half that
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