Sup yall! Thank you guys for your patience as I uploaded this video a day late. Anyway, here’s Learning Russian Episode 4, where I tackle the colors in Russian!
Honestly, I think it went a little better than Episode 3 with the Numbers. Although here I still butchered some colors, it was still comprehensible... I think and hope haha. I already knew 2 colors beforehand: оранжевый and
розовый. An old Russian student of mine taught me “orange“ and I learned “pink“ from Feduk & Allj’s ’Розовое вино’.
While listening to and repeating after the speakers in the videos, I was able to come up w
...ith little tricks to help me remember some of the colors. It worked for SOME, but totally led me astray for others, especially my “vermillion“ trick for “зеленый“.Show more