Ferris Makes Emulators - The Journey Begins

NOTE: This series/emulator has not been worked on for several years, and no usable emulator came of it. I still think it’s worth keeping around, but don’t expect it to return anytime soon. Today we started building a Nintendo 64 emulator from scratch in Rust! This series is all about following my journey as I go from very little knowledge of the console (and in some cases limited reverse-engineering knowledge) to a full-working emulator. This is the raw, unabridged process, so it may be a little slow, but this is it, folks, this is what it looks like :) Project repo: (even though we didn’t get very far this time, haha) Episode playlist: Follow me on twitter for updates on when I’ll be streaming and other such nonsense! Special thanks to the chat this time around, they were super helpful, including the author of cen64 (another n64 emulator)! You guys rule :) Perhaps next time I’ll be able to record the chat as well; sorry about that! Recorded on Jan. 15 2016
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