”The prayer has been given to #Guru #AmarDas . The prayer is manifested by Guru Ram Das. The miracle is complete.”
The great #Yogi Bhajan said about this #healing chant that it is “the highest prayer” or “the prayer of all prayers”, with the power to fulfill all desires and prayers.
“Normally there is no power in the human but the power of prayer. And to do prayer, you have to put your mind and body together and then pray from the soul. Ardas Bhaee is a mantra prayer. If you sing it, your body, mind, and soul automatically combine and without saying what you want, the need of the life is adjusted. That is the magic of this mantra prayer.” – Yogi Bhajan.
Guru is that which directs one from (gu) darkness to (ru) light; from ignorance to the experience of one’s infinite nature. The Ardaas Bahee mantra may be translated, ‘The prayer that has been made to Guru Amar Das is guaranteed by Guru #Ram Das.’ This is the mantra for answered prayers.
Guru Amar Das is the third of the Sikh Gurus. He lived from 1479 to 1574. He is said to embody generosity and equality. Guru Ram Das, his son-in-law, is the fourth of the Sikh Gurus. He lived from 1534 until 1581. He is said to embody humility, loving service and compassion.
“Ram” means “servant of the Lord”. If you ask something of Guru Ram Das he has to bring it to God for you. Give your worries to Guru Ram Das and let him take them to God. The #God that rotates the earth can certainly take care of your problems!
Lyrics of the mantra:
Ardas Bhaee, Amar Das Guru, Amar Das Guru, Ardas Bhaee,
Ram Das Guru, Ram Das Guru, Ram Das Guru, Sachee Sahee
Mantra - it is a combination of special sounds and vibrations that purify space, body, mind and consciousness from negative energies. Mantra – it is an ancient sacred formula that gives a powerful Divine energy, it is the key that opens the way to the Supreme Divine knowledge.
Repeat the mantras possible any number of times, but the most importantly the number of repetitions has to be a multiple of three. You can repeat them 3,6,9,15 ... times, but the best effect is obtained with a daily repetition of mantras 108 times, because the number of one hundred and eight is considered sacred. One – it symbolizes the Supreme Divine Energy, zero – it is the perfection of God’s creation and eight – it is a symbol of eternity and infinity in an inverted form.
In order not to make mistakes in counting the number of times they recommend to use the rosary. Rosary also helps to concentrate better on the mantra and sensations and also while singing mantras it is charging with powerful energy and can serves as an excellent talisman and amulet.
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