Easy Egg Spinach Recipe in the Oven

hello everyone, welcome to Chef Salim’s recipes channel, how to cook spinach with egg in the oven You can watch how to cook spinach with eggs in the most delicious way, friends. 3 kilograms of spinach will be used good quality spinach, thick leaf and quite fresh The ingredients are pretty simple, 3.5 kilograms of spinach onion sunflower oil black pepper salt and sugar Red pepper tomatoes and eggs cut the spinach roots with a knife, add the spinach leaves to the deep pot Add lots of cold water Wash the spinach by mixing it from bottom to top add in the strainer If too much sand comes out this way, wash the spinach leaves a second time. Add the spinach you are sure is clean to a large pot. add the pot to the stove add boiling water over the spinach Stir for 3 - 5 minutes, it will not boil too much. remove spinach from boiling water, add to strainer You can drink spinach juice, I’m sure it’s healthy and beneficial. Wait for the spi
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