MantraRajaPada stotram, the most powerful chant on ’poorna avatar’ Lord Narasimhar. The shlokas are said to be composed by Lord Shiva himself, and hence are considered to be timeless in nature. The phala stuti of the shloka is explained in the 12th verse - ’Whosoever reads this hymn with faith, thrice a day (at Sunrise, mid-day and evening) would have a great increase in prosperity (shree) knowledge (vidya) longevity (Ayush)’. Personally, I have benefited a lot by chanting this maha mantra.
Commentary / m
2 years ago 00:03:01 1
Sri Mantra Rajapada Stotram | Lakshmi Narasimha Stotram | Mantra For Curing Diseases & Ailments
4 years ago 00:04:59 1
Mantra Raja Pada Stotram | Lord Shiva | Narasimha Mantra | FOR PROSPERITY, KNOWLEDGE AND LONGEVITY
6 years ago 00:03:57 10
Sri Mantrarajapada Stotram
8 years ago 00:03:01 2
Mantra Raja Pada Stotram - Sri Narasimha Suprabatham & Stotras - Padmanabachar