Presented here is our interpretations of a halfsword disarm and the accompanying counter from the 1467 “Wurttemberg“ Hans Talhoffer fencing manual (folio 26r - 27r). Halfswording is a component of longsword combat where one grips the blade of their sword in order to use it like a short spear.
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Wasters (wooden swords) by Purpleheart Armoury:
Lynx HEMA Fencing Jackets by Superior Fencing:
Crew: Ben Lovell, Robert DiGiovanni, Katie Zold, Christopher Valli
Editing: Christopher Valli
1 year ago 00:01:58 18
Halfsword Disarm from Hans Talhoffer
2 years ago 00:05:35 23
如何奪劍及半劍 How to Disarm and Halfswording
1 year ago 00:03:17 1
Why is the non-dominant arm kept behind the back in messer fencing?