Sõdurilehe podcast | #88 Forgotten Weapons – Ian McCollum
[EST] Selles Sõdurilehe podcasti episoodis on meil au tervitada tuntud relvade eksperti ja militaarajaloo entusiasti Ian McCollumit USA-st. Ian on relvamaailmas tuntud oma teadmistepagasi ja YouTube kanali Forgotten Weapons poolest. Räägime Eesti kaitseväe teenistusrelvast Rahe – selle disainist, ajaloost ja tähtsusest kaasaegses sõjapidamises. Saates sukeldume ka Iani isiklikku teekonda relvade maailmas – esimestest sammudest kuni avaldatud kirjanduse ja kogemusteni, mis on kujundanud tema tänast ekspertiisi.
[ENG] In this episode of our podcast we welcome firearms expert Ian McCollum from the USA. Ian, known for his deep knowledge and passion for military weapons and their history, shares insights into the Estonian Defence Forces’ assault rifle Rahe. We also explore his journey into the world of firearms, from his early interests, published works and his YouTube channel Forgotten Weapons. Whether you’re a firearms enthusiast or just interested in this topic,
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8 months ago 00:39:22 1
Sõdurilehe podcast | #88 Forgotten Weapons – Ian McCollum