uSpace: Anatoly Yunitsky’s program for rocket-free space exploration. English subtitles. Timing+
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Humanity has depleted the resources of our planet and polluted the environment with industry. In two or three generations, our civilization may reach the point of no return
Engineer Anatoly Yunitsky proposes a way out - the uSpace program for rocket-free exploration of near space. Removing the harmful part of the industry from the Earth’s biosphere with the help of innovative space technologies, introducing new infrastructure, energy, transport, logistics and agro-biotechnologies on the planet, including uST transport
The video was presented at the VI International Scientific and Technical Conference “Rocket-less industrialization of near space: problems, ideas, projects”
More about the uSpace program and the conference “Rocket-less industrialization of near space: problems, ideas, projects at the links:
Resources of Anatoly Eduardovich Yunitsky:
00:00 Depletion of resources, pollution of land, water and air by industry have brought our common home – the planet’s biosphere – closer to disaster
00:30 The point of no return for earthly civilization will be passed in just 2 generations
00:55 Preservation of the earth’s biosphere with millions of species of living organisms and the sustainable development of earth’s civilization as one of the types of these organisms is achievable only if the harmful part of the industry is removed from the planet’s biosphere
01:30 Global program for industrialization of near space uSpace
01:50 For the industrial development of near-Earth space, it is necessary to ensure geocosmic industrial logistics, annual transportation to space and back of millions of tons of raw materials, equipment and products, as well as millions of service personnel
02:15 The impossibility of carrying out such tasks by today’s astronautics and its launch vehicles
02:55 A completely new solution, the Global Transport Vehicle (GVT). uSpace program. Capable of launching up to 10,000,000 tons of cargo and up to 1,000,000 passengers into orbit for each flight!
03:20 One launch of such a geospace aircraft is capable of taking conventional astronautics 10,000 years
04:20 The cost of construction and development of the UTS will be about $2,000,000,000,000
This is about $250 for every inhabitant of the earth. This is the price to save the planet
04:40 Simultaneously with the construction of the GPV takeoff and landing overpass, a powerful infrastructure of cluster-type settlements will be created on the ground - an equatorial linear city
04:55 The terrestrial component of the geocosmic transport system that will ensure the operation of the GPV and where billions of people will be able to live in favorable conditions. The equatorial linear city will be based on biosphere technologies in harmony with nature. Providing residents with everything they need for a healthy and happy life for the benefit of the prosperity of all humanity
05:25 Construction of a space industrial orbital necklace
05:40 Closed ecosystems in orbit will make it possible to organize various types of production in circular equatorial orbits. Residential sectors, transport and energy infrastructure and will become a launching pad for the expansion of earthly civilization into deep space
06:00 The industrial necklace “Orbit” can also reliably protect the planet from space threats, including meteorites
06:20 UTS will allow for large-scale industrial exploration of space, unlimited resources of the universe, spaces, raw materials, energy, as well as unique technological capabilities absent on the planet
06:55 Today, the development and testing of individual elements of geospace non-rocket technologies is successfully carried out by Yunitsky’s group of companies, numbering more than 1000 professional engineers, designers, and scientific inventors. Every year, new countries and corporations support the uSpace space exploration program
07:20 Global geospace program to save humanity. The possibility of large-scale industrial space exploration for humanity
07:35 The logic of the uSpace program has the opportunity to solve all modern resource, energy, food, environmental, social, economic and other problems on planet Earth
07:50 Earth is for life! Space - Industries!
The planet is the cradle of the mind, but you cannot live in the cradle forever.
(K.E. Tsiolkovsky)
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