Prominent lawyer Ashraf Sammo opposed the Sindh cabinet’s decision to change police rules

Prominent lawyer Ashraf Sammo opposed the Sindh cabinet’s decision to change police rules Police will declare now the culprit as innocent and innocent as guilty, Ashraf Sammo Dodo Bheel murder case is a recent example, police filed a case against peaceful protesters Will go to bar councils and bar associations against changes in police laws, eminent lawyer Contrary to decisions of the Supreme & High Court, new law is tantamount to giving free rein to terrorists Plaintiff and accused have been released at the mercy of police, will protest, Talk with ZEK Sindh government is doing all this to save corruption, thieves and terrorists, Ashraf Sammo If the act is made, it will be challenged in High Court and the Supreme Court, Ashraf Sammo #policerueles #sindhcabinet
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