Super fluffy cupcake:: 纸杯小蛋糕
---------------------------⬇️ CLICK FOR RECIPE ⬇️----------------------------
• Eggs 5
• Cake flour 100g
• Corn oil 60g
• Milk 60g
• Sugar 70g
1️⃣. 0:12 - Mix together cake flour, corn oil in a mixing bowl.
2️⃣. 0:24 - Separate egg yolks from egg whites. We need 5 large eggs.
3️⃣. 0:43 - Add egg yolks, and milk into the mixing bowl using a low speed until combined.
4️⃣. 0:59 - Beat egg whites until it becomes firm peaks. Add 3 times sugar during the beating.
5️⃣. 1:33 - Mix some egg withes with batter int the mixing bowl, then mix the mixture with the remaining egg whites
6️⃣ - 2:40 Fill each cupcake 2/3 full.