ABRSM 2023-24 Grade 1 A6 The Hunt - Cornelius Gurlitt

ABRSM 2023-2024 Grade 1 A6 The Hunt - Cornelius Gurlitt Good morning everyone! Continuing my journey to learn and record all the ABRSM grade 1 pieces before moving on to grade 2. Here is A6 The Hunt. It’s a fun energetic piece that is somehow either through convention or analogy capture the feeling of joining a hunting party. I admit that this probably wasn’t my best take when recording, but I noticed I had a little audience member so I wanted to include her in my recorded journey. Hope you enjoy and if you any suggesting, comments, or concerns please put them in the comments! Affiliate links: Discovering Music Theory, The ABRSM Grade 1 Workbook: =sr_1_2?crid=RND3ULXBJKVD&keywords=abrsm&qid=1683295620&sprefix=abrsm,aps,96&sr=8-2&_encoding=UTF8&tag=jonathanmur0a-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=953d542e704061712781d0ab9a8061a5&camp=1789&creative=9325 Piano Exam Pieces 2023 & 2024, Abrsm Grade 1 Sheet Music: =sr_1_1?crid=AJRX6OA4NEJG&keywords=abrsm 2023 grade 1&qid=1683295717&sprefix=abrsm 2023 grade 1,aps,102&sr=8-1&_encoding=UTF8&tag=jonathanmur0a-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=62cae052f7e8edbf0863a4f750d36d52&camp=1789&creative=9325 Please Like, Share, and Subscribe!
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