ROYAL: Bonfire at Glamis Castle to celebrate birth of Princess Margaret Rose (1930)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Bonfire at Glamis Castle lit to mark the birth of Princess Margaret. Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: It’s a girl (over stork and baby picture) Glamis Castle birthplace of Princess Elizabeth’s newly arrived sister... SCOTLAND: Glamis Castle: EXT Glamis Castle SLATE INFORMATION: Last minute work on the beacon which spread the tidings Shire horse led by farm worker dragging branches out of woods for beacon Men building huge bonfire SLATE INFORMATION: A glance back at the wedding day of the royal couple... ENGLAND: London: Various showing scenes from wedding day of Prince Albert (later George VI) and Princess Elizabeth SLATE INFORMATION: Long Live the Princess! Guns being fired to mark royal birth Blazing bonfire Background: Bonfire at Glamis Castle lit to mark the birth of Princess Margaret. FILM ID: VLVAA
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