Original listing and sheet music here:
Nice cakewalkey rag by Nellie Cocoft, writing under the name N. Weldon Cocroft. She published six known pieces through her husband’s music business, C.C. Cocroft Music Co. in Thomasville, Georgia. This one was named for the luxurious Piney Woods Hotel in Thomasville.
For some reason this score, as it was written, is only 48 bars in length and plays in about one minute. So I’ve taken the liberty of inserting a couple of repeat bars plus a “D.C. al Fine“ notation to expand the duration to a more normal length. What’s here is the original score plus my added repeats.
Original score source was from at this link:
This is a reproduction of the original score but altered with the above-mentioned repeat notations. I’ve also added a flat to the E in the final RH chord at measure 47.