Vaginal Discharge (Clinical essentials): Dr. Pujitha Devi suraneni
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Vaginal Discharge (Clinical essentials): Dr. Pujitha Devi suraneni
Vaginal discharge is most often a normal and regular occurrence. However, there are certain types of discharge that can indicate an infection. Abnormal discharge may be yellow or green, chunky in consistency, or foul smelling.
Yeast or a bacterial infection usually causes abnormal discharge. If you notice any discharge that looks unusual or smells foul, see your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.
Types of vaginal discharge
There are several different types of vaginal discharge. These types are categorized based on their color and consistency. Some types of discharge are normal. Others may indicate an underlying condition that requires treatment.
A bit of white discharge, especially at the beginning or end of your menstrual cycle, is normal. However, if the