Leil Shabat Medley with Micha Gamerman (Official Animation Video) | מחרוזת ליל שבת - מיכה
Welcome the brand-new Leil Shabat Animated Medley based on the latest Shabat Album by the Brazilian singer Micha Gamerman.
“Shabat Oneg with Micha Gamerman” consists of six medleys arranged by Benny Laufer: Tefilot Shabat Medley, Leil Shabat Medley, Yom Shabat Medley, Seudat Shlishit Medley, Birkat Hamazon Medley and Havdallah Medley.
This uplifting and energetic Medley is intended to make Shabbat even more special for people of all ages.
0:00 - Intro - פתיחה
0:21 - Shalom Aleichem - שלום עליכם
2:37 - Pia Patcha - פיה פתחה
3:25 - Sheker Hachen - שקר החן
4:07 - Kol Mekadesh - כל מקדש
6:01 - Menucha Vessimcha - מנוחה ושמחה
7:17 - Ma Yedidut - מה ידידות
8:12 - Meein Olam H
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2 years ago 01:19:20 1
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2 years ago 00:10:00 1
Tefilot Shabat Medley with Micha Gamerman (Official Animation Video) | מחרוזת תפילות שבת - מיכה
3 years ago 00:13:09 1
Leil Shabat Medley with Micha Gamerman (Official Animation Video) | מחרוזת ליל שבת - מיכה