Mr. Lloyd George receives Golden Wedding presents at Cardiff then gives speech (1938)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Mr. David Lloyd George and wife Dame Margaret receive gold plated gifts at their golden? Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Mr. Lloyd George Celebrates His Golden Wedding ENGLAND: Cardiff: Antibes: INT Antibes CARDIFF Lloyd George Receives Golden Wedding present LLOYD GEORGE, Dame Margaret w. Ll G. receives Golden Wedding presents at Cardiff Personalities - Politicians; Wales speech, party, crowd, celebration, gifts, humour, comedy Background: Mr. David Lloyd George and wife Dame Margaret receive gold plated gifts at their golden wedding celebration while crowd is entertained by George’s humourous recollections FILM ID: VLVAELK8D9TWG96IMDEL0LEZQ3O5E To license this film, visit
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