Baude Cordier: Rondeau upon a Heart, “Belle Bone Sage“ (MANUSCRIPT ANIMATION)
Baude Cordier (c. 1380 - c. 1440): Rondeau Quatrain upon a Heart, “Bella bonne sage“ (“Lovely, good, and wise“)
Transcription and Video: Jordan Alexander Key
For the complete transcription with the original manuscript with text translations and mensuration explanations see:
Text (Old French):
A Belle, bonne, sage, plaisante et gente
B En ce jour-ci où l’an se renouvelle
b Je vous fais don d’une chanson nouvelle
a Dedans mon qui à vous se présente.
a De recevoir ce don ne soyez lente,
b Je vous suppli, ma doulce demoiselle
A Belle, bonne, sage, plaisante et gente
B En ce jour-ci où l’an se renouvelle
a Car tant vous aime qu’ailleurs ne me tente
b Et je sais bien que seule vous êtes celle
b Que par votre réputation chacun appelle.
a Fleur de beauté, plus que toutes excellente.
A Belle, bonne, sage, plaisante et gente
B En ce jour-ci où l’an se renouvelle
b Je vous fais don d’une chanson nouvelle
a Dedans mon Coeur qui à vous se présente.
Couplet structure = 1-2, 3-1, 4-5, 1-2
English Translation:
Beautiful, good, wise, pleasant, and kind
On this day when the year is renewed
I make you a gift of a new song
In my heart which presents itself to you.
To receive this gift do not be reluctant,
I beg you, my sweet lady.
Beautiful, good, wise, pleasant, and kind
On this day when the year is renewed
Since you love me so much that nothing else temps me,
And since I know that you are the one,
Let your reputation call everyone,
Flower of beauty, excellent above all others.
Beautiful, good, wise, pleasant, and kind
On this day when the year is renewed
I make you a gift of a new song
In my heart which presents itself to you.
Poetic English Translation (by Jordan Alexander Key)
Gorgeous, gracious, graceful, gentle, and true
Today when now the year’s again reborn
For you I make this song so much lovelorn
Within my heart, which gives itself to you.
Please take my gift; do not my love eschew.
I beg my fairest love, whom I’ve forborne,
Gorgeous, gracious, graceful, gentle, and true
Today when now the year’s again reborn.
Because all whims your love can fast subdue,
And since it’s you to whom I’m ever sworn,
Now let your noble fame all lips adorn,
Majestic rose, to whom all praise is due.
Gorgeous, gracious, graceful, gentle, and true
Today when now the year’s again reborn
For you I make this song so much lovelorn
Within my heart, which gives itself to you.
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