【二米炊烟】Pumpkins 收穫100多個南瓜,烹飪美味的南瓜宴

※ Please click “cc“ to choose your subtitle language, which is on the “Settings“ at the bottom right corner of the video (If the computer used). Pumpkin is a common food in my village. Just sow a few seeds, you can get a good harvest, even if you hardly take care of it. Every year we plant some pumpkins, because its seedlings, blooming flowers, and the final pumpkins can be made delicious cuisine. Today I cooked dinner with pumpkins: Stir-fried pumpkin shreds, pumpkin pie, pumpkin millet porridge, steamed pork ribs with dish do you like? 種瓜得瓜,南瓜是我們這裡的常見食材 隨便撒上幾粒種子,就算不怎麼管理,也能有不錯的收穫 每年家裡都會種一些南瓜,因為南瓜一身全是寶 它的苗、開的花到最後的結果,都能做出好吃的食物來 清炒南瓜絲,南瓜餅,南瓜小米粥,南瓜粉蒸排骨......你們喜歡那道菜 —————————————————— Please subscribe to my channel if you like my videos: (如果喜歡我的視頻千萬別忘記點擊訂閱哦~) #二米炊煙 #pumpkin #南瓜 #cooking #美食 #菜譜 #做飯 #鄉村生活 #ermichuiyan #haimétkhói #Chinesefood #masak #howto #foodrecipe #Homemade
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