Polka winning EVERY argument with Marine【Animated Hololive/Eng sub】
[TL Note: This was tough because of a few terms. Marine literally said イチャイプ pronounced “ichaipu“ which is a mashup of イチャイチャ (“icha icha“, flirt) and スカイプ (“sukaipu“, Skype), an older term for online flirting. Polka shot her down saying its Discord, not Skype.]
[TL: Another tough one. 「写メ」 (pronounced “Sha Me“) is an abbreviation of 写メール (pronounced “Sha Me- Ru“) which was name of a service provided by SoftBank for early camera phones, letting you send emails with image attachments. But the name became really popular and was used to describe all the competing services as well, and eventually to describe even phone pictures themselves or the act of taking them. Again, an old fashioned term.]
From Rivicen-niki
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