Hoop Juggling by Nadia Papaianni from Argentina | IJA Tricks of the Month

This series is part of eJuggle, the IJA’s online juggling resource: Hello! I am Nadia Papaianni, from Argentina (Buenos Aires) 5 years ago I came across the juggling universe and in it I found the world of hula in which I continue to immerse myself and learn from it every day. I studied at UNTREF University in Circus Arts and I am currently training at Aliadxs de la Gravidad. In this video I share with you some tricks and manipulations that I have been doing for a long time and that I really enjoy doing. It is also home to my neighborhood and the square where I grew up for as long as I can remember. I want to thank everyone who helped me make this possible: Rama Gainza, Isidorx Ardito, Mela Flores and Joaco Otero for the support, dedication and love they gave me. And also to the people who motivate me every day, to the girls, the teachers, to the usual ranchada, thank you. Hola! Soy Nadia Papaianni, de Argentina (Buenos Aires)
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