Motorcyclist in high-speed police chase through Brazil’s favelas with woman on the back of his bike

Motorcyclist in high-speed police chase through Brazil’s favelas with woman on the back of his bike. An intense motorbike chase was captured on video in Brazil. A police biker recorded the movie-worthy footage in São Paulo. For six minutes, the cop chases a bad guy across the city who is trying to flee arrest with a woman on the back of his bike. He tries every tactic to lose the officer, but cannot shake him. Eventually he is arrested after falling off the bike while trying to navigate a narrow staircase inside a favela. The officer involved has been named as Marcos Teixeira who works as a ci...vil guard in the Ronda Ostensiva municipality. It is not clear who was on the bike he was chasing or why the man was being chased. The video was taken in 2021, but has since circulated online. #dailymail #brazil #Highspeedchase Daily Mail Homepage: Daily Mail Facebook: Daily Mail IG: Daily Mail Snap: Daily Mail Twitter: Daily Mail Pinterest: Get the free Daily Mail mobile app:
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