China’s ALARMING MOVE! Continue Selling US Debt, Even UK Follow! Blinken’s Urgent Visit to Seek Help

Welcome to AsianQuicktake, your world affairs channel providing in-depth analysis of global politics. In this video, we delve into the concerning data released by the U.S. Treasury Department regarding China’s decreasing holdings of U.S. debt. The implications of this decline and its impact on the U.S. financial media are discussed, shedding light on the intricate dynamics of global debt markets. As U.S. bonds continue to be sold off, the Federal Reserve’s monetary tightening policy emerges as a significant factor behind this trend. The high interest rates set by the Fed have increased the cost of repaying American debt, leading to higher interest rates on new issuances. Consequently, not only is the United States grappling with its own debt, but it is also burdened by the debt held on behalf of other countries. The projected increase in the Federal Reserve’s total debt further emphasizes the pressing need for support from major buyers, with the Federal Reserve itself being a primary contri
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