Sound installation with 200 kettles boiling, steaming, vibrating.
People come and go whenever they like.
DATE 6th-10th October 2020, 18-21h
LOCATION Wasserkirche, Limmatquai 101, Zürich
PARTNERS Wasserkirche, Theater Neumarkt, Helmhaus Zürich
FOUNDATIONS Stanley Thomas Johnson Stiftung, Stiftung Anne-Marie Schindler, Migros Kulturprozent, Cassinelli-Vogel-Stiftung
CREW Fabian Eichin, Ortreport (Katrin Murbach, Fabian Jaggi, Elena Valazza), Frantz Loriot, Valentina Zingg, Daniel Hertli, Patricia Bianchi, Marlon Ilg, Pascal Reinmann, Rio Wolta and Piet Baumgartner