Roman Legionary gives speech on Roman Triumph at Living Latin in New York City ⚔️ · Legionarius ·
Roman Legionary Decimus Helvidius Rufus, having been transported from the early 2nd century AD to the present, gives a talk at the Paideia Institute’s Living Latin in New York City (February 19, 2023) on the Roman Triumph, Trajan’s Column, and the famous Lorica Segmentata armor he wears as an Imperial Legionary.
*Subtitles in Latin and English.*
Join me at Living Latin in New York City 2024! Use this link to get $50 off the $180 registration fee:
I don’t get any money if you sign up, but I’m happy to be able to offer my audience such a huge discount to this one-of-a-kind event. Nōs vidēbimus illīc! See you there!
Summās grātiās agō Paideiae Īnstitūtō quod mē invītāvit ut ōrātiunclam habērem.
See the other installments of the LEGIONARIVS series here:
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5 months ago 00:01:37 1
Боевая стойка римских легионеров / Fighting stance of the Roman legionaries