1947 Labour Party Conference (1947)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Ernest Bevin (Minister of Labour) delivers an angry speech at the 1947 Labour Party Conference Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Mr. Bevin Addresses Party Conference ENGLAND: Kent: Thanet: Margate: INT ERNEST BEVIN Bevin makes “Stabbed in the back“ speech at the Margate conference LABOUR PARTY Bevin makes the “Stabbed in the Back“ speech at the Margate Conference MARGATE Bevin makes speech in Labour Conference Personalities - Politicians politics, politician, statesmen, statesman, labor Background: Ernest Bevin (Minister of Labour) delivers an angry speech at the 1947 Labour Party Conference FILM ID: VLVA5I65MB1VGZLJNOG371F65B62Z To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Archive managed by: British Pathé
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