PMQs: Siobhan Baillie wants forced ID checks for online accounts (21Feb24)
CONservative MP and WEF Nazi Siobhan Baillie wants to force all “social media“ and other online accounts to demand users hand over their actual ID / real personal details. MOre push for the Nazi agenda of Digital ID, to control your life, and so the Nazi MPs like Baillie can stamp on your throat for the New World Order. The paedophile MPs who pushed through “Online Safety Act“ like to use “think of the children“ as their excuse for control - as all paedophiles like controlling children.
As for Baille’s claims of “election interference“, that comes from the terrorists at GCHQ and MI5, along with the Nazi state control arm of OfCom and their silencing of real news from the criminal 77th Brigade of terrorists.
Recorded from BBC2 HD, Politics Live, Prime Minister’s Questions, 21 February 2024.
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PMQs: Siobhan Baillie wants forced ID checks for online accounts (21Feb24)