Laura Prepon’s Statement About Leaving Scientology

Big news yesterday from People Magazine regarding actress Laura Prepon’s exit from Scientology (link below). Here is a quick quote: “’I’m no longer practicing Scientology,’ says Prepon. ’I’ve always been very open-minded, even since I was a child. I was raised Catholic and Jewish. I’ve prayed in churches, meditated in temples. I’ve studied Chinese meridian theory. I haven’t practiced Scientology in close to five years and it’s no longer part of my life.’“ This reminded me of the story when I had hired Eric Sherman to help me with a script I had written and show me how to put together a production board and shooting schedule. I had flown out to see him in 2006 and he invited me into his office and Laura was also there. She had hired him to help her learn how to direct film and television, and she showed us a short film she had done. I’m so happy to hear that she has left Scientology and I hope it encourages others to leave as well as
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