1st boardslide vs Last of 2023 #snowboarding

This last snowboard season was full of so many new things. Watching Cash continuously push herself to try new things over and over again is what inspires us most in everything we do. It drives us to progress ourselves on and off the mountain. Failing hurts. It hurts our bodies, our souls and our egos. However, the getting back up to try, try and try some more is what creates strength, resilience and confidence. It teaches you that you can do hard things if you just believe and keep trying. It’s ok to walk away from a trick on a day your not feeling it and come back another day, with a new mindset to try it again. Sometimes that step away helps more than taking a constant beating. Having watched Cashy continue to try a boardslide multiple times this season is why we absolutely lose it when she nails it. We watched her fall over and over again. Hell, Whitney tried and fell over and over again too. Trust me she falls way harder too lol. However, we worked through every fall, lifted each othe
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