Daniil Gainov and Marina Rokhina in Brest on - / 7th anniversary of BreStarDance
Daniil Gainov and Marina Rokhina from Saint Petersburg come to Brest, Belarus to give 6 kizomba/urbankiz/tarraxinha/tarraxo workshops and participate in parties including gala night party and celebrate 7th anniversary of the BreStarDance club.
Даниил Гайнов и Марина Рохина из Санкт-Петербурга приезжают в Брест, Беларусь, чтобы провести 6 семинаров по кизомбе/урбанкизу/таррашинье/таррашо и поучаствовать в вечеринках, включая ночную гала-вечеринку, и отметить 7-ой День рождения клуба BreStarDance.
4 years ago 00:03:41 10
Kizomba Douceur Daniil Gainov & Irina Kuznetsova
5 years ago 00:01:10 3
Social Bachata Tanja La Alemana & Daniil Gainov @ RUSSIAN BACHATA KIZOMBA FESTIVAL & Salsa Room
7 years ago 00:03:48 51
Animation / Daniil Gainov / 7 wonders of the dance world / Brest, Belarus
7 years ago 00:02:47 215
UrbanKiz / Daniil Gainov & Marina Rokhina / 7 wonders of the dance world / Brest, Belarus
7 years ago 00:03:34 44
Salsa casino / Daniil Gainov & Marina Rokhina / 7 wonders of the dance world / Brest, Belarus
7 years ago 00:02:17 77
Tarraxo / Daniil Gainov & Marina Rokhina / 7 wonders of the dance world / Brest, Belarus
7 years ago 00:02:01 79
Speedy UrbanKiz / Daniil Gainov & Marina Rokhina / 7 wonders of the dance world / Brest, Belarus
7 years ago 00:02:33 96
Hot kizomba / Daniil Gainov & Marina Rokhina / 7 wonders of the dance world / Brest, Belarus
7 years ago 00:04:45 24
Soft tarraxinha / Daniil Gainov & Marina Rokhina / 7 wonders of the dance world / Brest, Belarus
7 years ago 00:03:09 117
UrbanKiz tricks / Daniil Gainov & Marina Rokhina / 7 wonders of the dance world / Brest, Belarus
7 years ago 00:02:50 111
Interesting kizomba / Daniil Gainov & Marina Rokhina / 7 wonders of the dance world / Brest, Belarus
7 years ago 00:01:29 98
Daniil Gainov and Marina Rokhina in Brest on - / 7th anniversary of BreStarDance
8 years ago 00:01:39 84
Daniil Gainov & Khvan Irina Bachata SHOW SPRING WEEKEND 22/04