Meet Toad: Perfect pet dog has a salivating second mouth in her ear

Credit: Pen News/Heather Hernandez TOAD’S owners say she is just a normal dog who loves her family, but something makes this pooch totally unique – a second mouth growing where her ear should be. Her second mouth, which has teeth and even salivates, was discovered when she arrived as a stray at the Oklahoma City Animal Welfare shelter. From there, she soon made her way to Mutt Misfits, a nearby rescue centre for animals with major medical issues, where she remains still. “Immediately we recognized that she was very different to most dogs,” said Heather Hernandez, the charity’s founder and Toad’s owner. “She was initially showing lots of aggression but once she and I got together, that all disappeared. “Upon her initial intake exam at the shelter, our veterinarian originally thought she had extra ears. “But once we sedated her for her spay surgery, that’s when we discovered that she actually only has one ear and two mouths!” Toad’s second mouth rarely causes the pooch pain, her
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