A look at part of the labyrinth of tunnels the terrorists formerly occupying Douma used to evade detection and thus prolong the misery of civilians held hostage by terrorists who executed civilians and hoarded food.
See this post for interesting comments on the tunnel construction:
Related post from Douma:
Wissam Sliman writes:
“I’ve talked to 10 kidnap victims who where liberated from Douma, was asking them about a fiend of mine who was kidnaped but they knew nothing about him .
The important thing that they all said that hundreds of kidnapped Syrians where forced to work in digging these tunnels and many of them died because of :
1. Hard work they were forced to do day and night.
2. Bad nutrition.
3. Sickness because of not seeing sunlight, they were forced to stay underground for months.
Terrorists forced kids who were 12 years o
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