摺紙魚!超簡單,小孩輕鬆學會。origami fish

摺紙魚!超簡單,小孩輕鬆學會。origami fish 準備材料: 正方形紙15cm*15cm、一支筆 用一張紙摺紙出超簡單的魚,小孩跟著一起摺紙,馬上就完成可愛的魚。 **歡迎留言交作業** 如果喜歡別忘記訂閱我的頻道及開啟小鈴鐺 Origami fish! Super simple, easy for children to learn Prepare materials: Square paper 15cm*15cm, a pen Use a piece of paper to make a super simple origami fish, and the children will follow along to make a cute fish in no time. Welcome to leave a
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