Germind - Essence (Psychill)

► Subscribe: (Psychill) In a distant corner of the Endless Universe, there was a planet known as Diffusion. It was a strange world, with an atmosphere that shimmered like diamonds in the sun and oceans that glimmered like gold. The people of Diffusion believed that the essence of the universe was contained within their world, and that the key to unlocking that essence was hidden in the mysterious structures known as the Bliss. These structures were unlike anything else in the universe, a strange mix of artificial and real, created by the people of Diffusion to help them understand the sacred meaning of the universe. But when a group of explorers stumbled upon Diffusion while web traveling through another dimension, they soon realized that the Bliss was more than just a bunch of structures. It was a portal, a gateway to a truth that was both beautiful and terrifying. And as they stepped through the portal, they were filled with a sense of bliss that they knew would cha
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