1937, Benelli M36. Review & test-drive, part 1. «Motorworld by V. Sheyanov» classic bike museum.
The article with photos and characteristics:
The article about Moto Guzzi Trialce:
Benelli M36 entered the army in 1936 with a purpose to speedup motorization of infantry forces (bersaglieri, in particular). The tricycle was tried by fire during the Spanish civil war where it was also used for towage of Breda (20 mm antiaircraft gun).
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Showman: Vyacheslav Sheyanov.
Cameraman and director: Aleksey Hlebcov.
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1937, Benelli M36. Review & test-drive, part 1. «Motorworld by V. Sheyanov» classic bike museum.
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6 years ago 00:05:05 1
1937, Benelli M36. Review & test-drive, part 2. «Motorworld by V. Sheyanov» classic bike museum.