Шеф-профессионал Кике Дакоста из Дении (провинция Аликанте) рассказывает о своем регионе и кухне.
chef who is playing with the traditional cuisine of his home-region is Chef Quique Dacosta. His restaurant El Poblet, the same place he began his career at the age of 17, is located on the eastern coast of Spain, giving his food Mediterranean influences. Among the dishes he demonstrated was Creamy Parmesan with Veil of 6 Basils and Pine Nuts. To him, this dish shows his concept of creating Landscapes both by using the local terroir in ingredients and echoing the landscape in the appearance of the dish.
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Шеф-профессионал Кике Дакоста из Дении (провинция Аликанте) рассказывает о своем регионе и кухне.