This is a radio clip from Bocchi The Rock! Radio / Bocchi The Radio! ENG SUB / Nijika’s VA: “This scene is a masterpiece!“
There are two personalities this time. Ijichi Nijika’s voice (Suzushiro Sayumi) who came as guest and Bocchi’s voice (Aoyama Yoshino) discussed about how great the producer of this anime directed the scene where Bocchi and Nijika meets for the first time. Now I can appreciate the anime even more whenever I rewatch the first meeting between Nijika and Bocchi in the first episode lol.
The personality:
‣ Gotoh Hitori / Gotou Hitori / Bocchi (CV. Aoyama Yoshino)
‣ Ijichi Nijika / Nijika / Doritos (CV. Suzushiro Sayumi)
Bocchi The Rock episode 12 has aired on December 24, 2022. Honestly I’ve been enjoying the show and I didn’t want it to end :( I really hope Bocchi the rock season 2 would get announced immediately after episode 12 airs but sadly it didn’t happen.