Anson Lo 盧瀚霆《MONEY》Dance Version

Anson Lo 2023年最新派台作品《MONEY》,填詞人林寶所談及的Money,不是名詞所指的價值,而是其延伸的價值觀。金錢不是萬能,無錢?一樣可以活得自豪快樂又優雅,就是看你能否從生活中卸下經濟學,參透價值觀哲學。 #AnsonLo盧瀚霆 #MONEY #mirrorweare 作曲: Hanif Hitmanic Sabzevari/ Dennis Deko Kordnejad/ 紀佳松Jeremy G (Future Sound)/ Daniel Kim 作詞:林寶 Rap詞:Anson Lo 編曲: Hanif Hitmanic Sabzevari 監製: Edward Chan 寶石 奇形怪狀 哪款比較火 心臟 維持脫俗 毋用被量度 若鑑定努力 要驗貨 放大鏡內有著你亦有著我 Nah, Everyone’s crazy bout’ money Not me I’m all about fun spree I’m all about me 要認真慶賀 人沒貴族那身分 仍能豪得起美感 快樂不快樂 從無迎合過消費品 Money money money money money money It’s the name of the game Money money money money mon...ey money 有勇氣 也算貴氣 Money money money money money money Gold, it’s the name of the game Money money money money money money 太過計算 會折扣志氣 Attention (Yah) What up? Cash, cash, fly high No cash? Still so fly Make your own way up to the top Let me bust a move make it make it pop 幾個花了一世開個保險箱 抵抗心傷 想以金塊 超額補償 非富則貴 得到幾下鼓掌 興奮感 可以很理想 都買不到堅強 價值觀哲學 人自信達至足金 無窮奇蹟可發生 卸下經濟學 毫無盈利也很稱心 Money money money money money money It’s the name of the game Money money money money money money 有勇氣 也算貴氣 Money money money money money money Gold, it’s the name of the game Money money money money money money 太過計算 會折扣志氣 無華麗那大堂 場地也可滿座 神殿與工廠 都可 放得起經典尼龍床 了不起都可名為龍床 滿足感高得神魂搖盪 Attention (Yah) Attention (Ah) Attention (Yah) Money money money money money money It’s the name of the game Money money money money money money 要闊綽 闊到最尾 Money money money money money money Gold, it’s the name of the game Money money money money money money 你我賦有 最富有哲理 太過計算 會折扣志氣 All Instruments by Hanif Hitmanic Sabzevari Backing Vocal by 盧瀚霆/ Edwin Tong/ Key Ng Protools Editing Edward Chan/ Edwin Tong/ Key Ng Recorded by Edward Chan@nova Mixed by Matthew Sim Mastered by Matthew Sim Anson Lo 盧瀚霆《MONEY》Official Music Video 《MONEY》MV花絮 Behind The Scenes Follow Anson Lo 盧瀚霆 Instagram: Facebook: Follow MIRROR Instagram: Facebook:
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