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Не забывайте, пожалуйста, подписываться на наш второй канал мы очень рады новым и старым друзьям!
This dog’s name is Fanta. The girl has already had her second surgery. She has fistulas from the abdomen, which is rare but common after spaying, a lot of adhesions, we removed them endoscopically, cleaned the fistula canal, put drainage for irrigation. And very hopeful that finally everything will heal! Fanta is a young kind doggirl! And very patient!
Shaggy Soul is a No-kill animal shelter located in Russia. More than 1800 dogs and cats.... This shelter is a non-profit organization run solely by volunteers. We don’t have government funding We are here to take in dogs and cats from service members who are not able to care for them anymore. We take care of our old dogs... our dear old take care of our old dogs until their last breath. We rescue stray dogs and cats. Friends, come i