👒 Anya’s classmates + Damian’s FANGIRLS react to Anya x Damian,Gacha club,Spy x family,COMPILATION 👒
Meaning that the videos and the reaction in the compilation belong to me.
The tiktoks do not belong to me but some of them belong to my friend who make these especially for me & tags me on each of the spy x family tiktok she makes(Her acc name is shigemicodm she changed her tiktok acc name multiple times though), and some are random but I always ask permission!
And to the idiots who don’t read Description dont come running to me that I steal, because I have blocked many from my channel, i have an option to report too but i don’t(I’m only saying this to the people who think i steal Haters no one else.
The characters designs the reactions all belong to me, They change alittle bit because I am learning how to make them look more like the anime,Thankyou!
here is proof: =PLfcXtcZW1YMsb0jFZteCBWF_x2cV28Nw2
Goodmorning/day/evening/noon/afternoon/night/midnight 🌏
I am a Gachatuber 🕊
My goal is
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👒 Anya’s classmates + Damian’s FANGIRLS react to Anya x Damian,Gacha club,Spy x family,COMPILATION 👒