【Luka・Miku・Gumi・IA・Rin】威風堂々「Pomp and Circumstance」 MUST WATCH ≧◡≦

【Luka・Miku・Gumi・IA・Rin】威風堂々「Pomp and Circumstance」 【Luka・Miku・Gumi・IA・Rin】威風堂々「Pomp and Circumstance」【Luka・Miku・Gumi・IA・Rin】威風堂々「Pomp and Circumstance」 This animation footage is from a game called Hatsune Miku: Project Diva. Project Diva is a Japanese based game and only two languages are use, Japanese and English. If you are interested in the game, you can buy it from a range of websites though I cannot recommend any (The game is only available on PS3 or PSP). If you would like more information on the game this website is most helpful: Please note this is not my work. All right reserved , ©SEGA ©Crypton Future Media, Inc. ©VOCALOID ©niwango, Inc.
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