James Blunt - The Girl That Never Was (Official Video)

Listen to ’The Girl That Never Was’: ’Who We Used To Be’, the new album, out now. Subscribe to the James Blunt channel for the latest official music videos, behind the scenes and live performances here - Follow James Blunt: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Tik Tok: @jamesblunt/ Sign up to the official James Blunt mailing list: Lyrics Darling I know we talked about it one too many times. How there was something missing in our lives. A little life. So we tried. It was more than just a twinkle in your eye. But some things you just don’t get to decide. At least we tried. The first... casualty of life is the plan. When I look back I’m not even sure that, We were thinking. Cause somewhere, She’s probably dancing with her blonde hair. Falling like ribbons on her shoulders, Just like we always saw. Bright eyes, Spinning in circles in the sunlight. Darling, we tried but now it’s over. We had it all and then we lost, The girl that never was. If could say a million words to take away the pain. What kills me is you trying to take the blame. You’re not to blame. I’ll never say I told you so, But sad I’ve thought the words. Tried drowning you in happiness. I only make it worse. We never should have picked a name, Cause now she has a face. And now no matter what we do, No one’ll take her place. Cause somewhere, She’s probably dancing with her blonde hair. Falling like ribbons on her shoulders, Just like we always saw. Bright eyes, Spinning in circles in the sunlight. Darling, we tried but now it’s over. We had it all and then we lost, The girl that never was. I know we’ll never know you. I know we’ll never hold you I never got to show you my love. Cause somewhere, She’s probably dancing with her blonde hair. Falling like ribbons on her shoulders, Just like we always saw. Bright eyes, Spinning in circles in the sunlight. Darling, we tried but now it’s over. We had it all and then we lost, The girl that never was. Director - Vaughan Arnell Producer - Zoe Gunn Exec Producer - Alexa Haywood Exec Producer - Fred Bonham Carter Prod Company - Just Fred Director’s Rep - Marisa Garner Commissioner - Dan Curwin Atlantic Creative Assistant - Anjola Akeju BTS - Dan Kewley Artist’s Manager - Brian McDonald Artist’s Manager - Todd Interland Production Manager - Abbey Valentina Production Runner - Catherine Brown Production Runner- Charlie Doherty 1st Assistant Director - Ben Burton AD Runner - Rowan Hutchings DOP - Natasha Duursma Focus Puller- Milo Brown 2nd AC - Ross Dixon Grip - Alex Bojic-Aguilar Gaffer - Sam Alberg Electrician - Paul Rowe Electrician- Marina Lewin-Richter Trainee Electrician - Laura Aguilera Projection Tech - Simon King Art Director - Victoria Thomas Wood Art Dept Assistant - Liza Radlov Art Dept Assistant- Jess Mulvey Stylist -Frankie Tyler Hair & Makeup - Gemma Aldous Hair & Makeup - Anna Iglis Hall Medic Mike Hampson Editor - Kit Wells Edit House - Final Cut Final cut producer - Nikki Porter Colourist - Matthieu Toullet Grade House - Company 3 Company 3 producer - Sara Beckman CAST: Partner - Jenny Meier Agency - Talent Talks Agent - Bobby Mitchell Equipment: CAMERA & GRIPS EQ PANAVISION LIGHTING EQ PANALUX
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