James Blunt reveals name change as voted for by public

Singer James Blunt has revealed his new name, as chosen by the public, in a hilarious new video. The 50-year-old previously pledged to change his name to “whatever the public wants” if his debut album Back To Bedlam charts at number one on the 20th anniversary of its original release. In a new video, posted on social media on Friday (11 October), Blunt is seen heading to a meeting, where he tells the receptionist his name. She replies by saying the name James Blunt is not on the list. The singer then reels off a list of alternative names, before finally revealing the one chosen by his fans.... Watch more on Independent TV: The Independent is the world’s most free-thinking newsbrand, providing global news, commentary and analysis for the independently-minded. Subscribe: Find us on social: TikTok / @independent Instagram /
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