My Honest Reaction to CA’s Message and the Thrones of Decay Delay

Sorry for not uploading any memes for a while I was really busy with school but I’m on break now and have time to make memes again, so I made a quick one about the message CA sent out earlier today. This was pretty much my reaction. I was really happy to see that CA apologized to the players and is trying to make a change towards the right direction like adding more content for Shadows of Change so people who bought or want to buy the DLC in the future will get more of an offer for the price they pay. BUT THEN my long awaited Thrones of Decay DLC is getting delayed from Winter 2023 to April 2024 which is super sad to see. Nurgle is my favorite chaos faction in lore and in game so I was hoping for more variety for them sooner than later, but hopefully we will avoid another situation like the release of SoC months ago. I can’t wait to see what they got cooking for us in 2024, and I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas, a Happy Holidays, and a Happy New Year! Total War Blog Post: https:
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