Dangerous Sunspots, M-Class Solar Flares and CMEs - Latest Space Weather Forecast - July 24 2024
The solar flaring activity was at moderate level during the last 24 hours with multiple C-class flares and three M-class flares. The strongest flare was an M3.6 flare from active region (AR) 3751 which peaked at 07:42 UTC on July 24. During the flare, the source region (AR 3751) of the flare had beta-gamma-delta configuration of its photospheric magnetic field.
Currently, AR 3751 and AR 3762 are the most complex regions on the
disk (beta-gamma-delta magnetic field configuration). However, AR 3762 has only produced C-class flares. These regions harbor energy for X-class solar flares.
Solar activity is expected to be at moderate to high levels over the next 24 hours possibly with few M-class flares and a chance for isolated X-class flares.
A partial halo coronal mass ejection (CME) was first observed in the
SOHO/LASCO C2 images around 14:24 UTC on July 23. This CME was associated with an M2.5 flare, which peaked at 14:28 UTC on Jul 23, produced by AR 3765. Associated type II radi