Ewiger Wald - Durch Ahnеnwälder und Frostnächte [Von alten Zeiten...] 2014

Extract from EWIGER WALD’s 1st full-length album released on September 26th, 2014 under the auspice of Hammerbund Records. Track info: Band: Ewiger Wald Album: Von alten Zeiten... Song: Durch Ahnеnwälder und Frostnächte Year: 2014 Country: Germany Genre: Black Metal Band info: Buy or die: Hammerbund Records: Website: Facebook: Bigcartel: Bandcamp: ------------------------------­----------­­­­­­­­­­----------­---------------------­-­-­-­-­­-­-­-­-­-­--------------------­--­--­--­--­--­--­--­--­--­--­­-------------­---­---­--- . channel does not monetize any of the videos, no money is earned from others property. THIS IS EUROPEAN METAL PROMOTION AND SUPPORT ONLY! © all rights reserved to Ewiger Wald and Hammerbund Records
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