30 minute Deep Abdominal work to release the iliopsoas

WELCOME to Yogasu Fitness Over 50! I’m Sue Hynes, founder of Yogasu Fitness, certified Yamuna body rolling practitioner and a registered yoga teacher. Through a combination of yoga, resistance training, and YAMUNA body rolling, I’ve found the sweet spot to healing body problems and getting in shape. I’ve taken all that I’ve learned to create an inner peace in my body, mind, and spirit that I want to share with you. GEAR YOU WILL NEED TO WORKOUT WITH ME: Resistance bands =twister_B07Y2FYKJ1 🛒 NEED BALLS AND FOOT WAKERS? 🛒 GET YOUR GEAR: Yogasu Tribe Members get FREE SHIPPING OVER $50 👋 CONNECT WITH ME 👋 WEBSITE: SUBSCRIBE: INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: 🔥 CONTINUE WATCHING MO
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