
DIFMAP (Shepherd 1997) provides editing, imaging, self-calibration, and pipelining capabilities in an interactive package. It was developed as part of the Caltech VLBI Analysis Programs and remains widely used, although development has been frozen and continued support is limited primarily to assistance in installation. This video provides users a step-by-step guide to installing and running DIFMAP on a Linux Machine using Kubuntu . First thing’s first, you will need the following libraries to install DIFMAP. They are: pgplot5, fort77, libx11-dev, libncurses-dev, gawk, cvs, gfortran, make These libraries are installed in the normal way, via the command line using the advanced package tool. sudo apt-get install pgplot5 fort77 libx11-dev libncurses-dev gawk cvs gfortran make To obtain DIFMAP, utilize the CALTECH ftp site. This can be achieved by putting the URL below into your browser. ftp:// Once the libraries are installed and the package is successfully downloaded, we must first untar the difmap package. This can be done in whatever folder you would like difmap to be installed. We use the command below to move difmap to our home directory before we unpack it. mv ~/Download/ ~/ tar -xvf We then enter the generated uvf_difmap folder in the normal way before running the configure script. cd uvf_difmap ./configure linux-i486-gcc ./makeall Finally, we can add difmap to our .bashrc to run it in any active directory. This is done by returning to the home directory. Utilizing your favorite text editor, in this case I use nano, you must add the line alias difmap followed by the direcotry in which difmap was installed. cd ~/ nano .bashrc alias difmap=~/uvf_difmap/difmap Thumbnail Credit: Contact: @
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