Putin outsmarts western sanctions | Russian economy shines as inflation dips below 4%

The Russian economy continues to show resilience even as major economies worldwide suffer from price shocks. Bloomberg reported that the price growth in Russia was well below the average in U.S. and Eurozone. Despite a year of sanctions from the west, Russia’s inflation is now at a fifth of its peak last year and is reportedly under the central bank’s 4% target for the first time since 2020. #russianeconomy #russianeconomy #russianeconomynow #russianeconomytoday #russianeconomynews #russianeconomy2023 #russianeconomyaftersanctions #russianeconomynowaftersanctions #russianeconomytodayaftersanctions #russianeconomyexplained #russianeconomynewstoday #russianeconomy2022 #russianeconomysanctions #russianeconomynow2022 #russianeconomyupdate #russianeconomyand #russianeconomyandsanctions #russianeconomyandsociety #russianeconomyandukrainewar #russianeconomylatestnews #russianeconomyjoebloggs #russianeconomynowhindi #russianeconomyguideriseofnations #russianeconomyin5years Hindustan Times Videos bring you news, views and explainers about current issues in India and across the globe. We’re always excited to report the news as quickly as possible, use new technological tools to reach you better and tell stories with a 360 degree view to give you a better understanding of the world around you.
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